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Showing posts from 2012

Starting Law School!

I've been negligent posting on here, but I have a passable excuse: moving and settling in at Cambridge.  Jess and I drove 26 hours (not counting dog walks) to get up here, and let me tell you, that drive sucked.  I was driving the U-haul truck, so I've discovered a new respect for truckers. Driving something that big is nerve-racking. Anyway, we're all moved in and settled down now.  We've explored downtown Boston, visited the planetarium, and today we visited Walden Pond.  Yeah, that Walden Pond.  The transcendentalist one.  It was a big deal for me.  I read Walden when I was 18 and it had a profound influence on me.  I can't say that I've lived up to the ideals that Thoreau espoused, but at least I've got a role model I can believe in. Class Begins Thursday is the beginning of Orientation.  The class of 2015 consists of ~560 individuals who are divided into seven sections of 80.  I'm in section 1.  Every one of my classes will be with these 80 p


You'd think that I would have learned not to procrastinate.  But in just about every aspect of my life, I wait until the last conceivable minute to do what needs to be done.  Whether it's moving cross-country or going for a run at night, I'm pretty bad about punctual planning.  But it's worked for me so far, so I don't have plans to change.  Which brings me to my first topic of the night: Moving I was lulled into a false sense of security about the ease of moving during college.  Back then, everything I owned fit snugly in the back of a Mercury Cougar (terrible car, don't buy one), and moving felt like an adventure.  Sort of like I was a high class hobo.  But no more.  Now, moving involves my truck (15 mpg), an extortionate U-haul fee, and sedating the dogs.   The silver lining is that the urge to burn everything I own out of frustration probably makes me less materialistic.  Jess might not agree. Question I've had the exact same question as

Inaugural Post

Hello hypothetical reader! I'm starting this blog/diary because I thought it would be nice to keep a record of my journey to Harvard law school.  Also, I somewhat immodestly hope that my Arkansas friends might be interested in hearing what the experience is like. The title of this blog derives from my life experience and the fact that alliteration is memorable.  I grew up in Newton County, which if you google you'll be treated to a broad swath of green.  Even many of my friends don't know that I grew up out there, since we moved to Russellville when I was about 5.  But from Newton county to Russellville, and Fayetteville for college, there's no doubt that I'm a child of the Ozark hills.  So that's the "Hills" part. The Harvard part references my admittance to Harvard law school, where I start my studies in t-minus one month (plus a couple of days).  My girlfriend Jess (we are living in sin) will be moving up to Boston with me, as will our two won